Code: 0098U

Respir pathogen 14 targets
Other Descriptions:
Respir pathogen 14 targets
Related codes:
Code: 0098T
Rev artific disc addl
State Average # Hospitals In Database
Florida (FL) $102 3
Hawaii (HI) $248 1
New York (NY) $370 1
Rhode Island (RI) $428 1
West Virginia (WV) $428 1
Idaho (ID) $743 2
Texas (TX) $1,672 1
Louisiana (LA) $1,853 1
Nevada (NV) $2,650 2

ChargemasterDB by Joseph Paul Cohen
A database of US hospital prices based on data made available by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS price transparancy rule 45 CFR ยง180.