Code: 21925

Other Descriptions:
Biopsy soft tissue of back
Related codes:
Hospital Address Code Price Last Updated
Hartford Hospital 80 Seymour St, Hartford 21925 $1,964 [source] 3 years ago
Middlesex Hospital 520 Saybrook Rd Ste N100, Middletown 21925 $2,269 [source] 3 years ago
Middlesex Hospital 28 Crescent St, Middletown 21925 $2,269 [source] 3 years ago
Yale New Haven Hospital 20 York St, New Haven 21925 $3,084 [source] 3 years ago
Bridgeport Hospital 226 Mill Hill Ave, Bridgeport 21925 $3,084 [source] 3 years ago
Greenwich Hospital 55 Holly Hill Ln, Greenwich 21925 $3,084 [source] 3 years ago
St Vincent's Medical Center 2600 Park Ave, Unit 1M, Bridgeport 21925 $4,440 [source] 3 years ago

ChargemasterDB by Joseph Paul Cohen
A database of US hospital prices based on data made available by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS price transparancy rule 45 CFR ยง180.