Due: Monday 6/16/14 @5:30pm
This project gives you experience working with images, object inheritance, implementing interfaces, sorting, and using external libraries.
1. Implement the API for Iterable on the Gallery object that will allow images to be iterated in order. You will have to sort the images using the compareTo method you will implement. The images will be presented in order from more interesting to less interesting.
2. Implement the API for Comparable on the ComparableBufferedImage object. ComparableBufferedImage extends BufferedImage so it can be used with the rest of the Java APIs for images. For your constructor you must call one from the super class.
3. Write an interestingness method for ComparableBufferedImage. We will define “more interesting” this as an image a ratio of red to green and blue more similar to 2/3. You compute this by taking the mean values of red green and blue and then computing their ratio. The lower this number the more interesting the image.
4. When implementing the compareTo function you will compare the images based on “interestingness.” The one with less difference is ranked more interesting.
5. Write a file memo.txt that discusses the challenges you faced, how to solved them or not, and what you learned from the assignment.
To compute the mean of the pixels use the The Apache Commons Mathematics Library. Download the file commons-math3-3.3-bin.zip; inside is a jar file “commons-math3-3.3.jar” to put in your classpath.
// import import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; // make DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); // add values stats.addValue(0.234); stats.addValue(0.123); // get mean double mean = stats.getMean(); // get variance double var = stats.getVariance();
To use BufferedImage this is the basic API:
// Read an image BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(new File("image.png")); // Get the RGB value of a pixel at x,y int rgb = img.getRGB(x, y); // Get the red, green, or blue value between 0 and 255 int r = (rgb & 0xFF0000) >> 16; int g = (rgb & 0x00FF00) >> 8; int b = (rgb & 0x0000FF); // Write an image ImageIO.write(img, "png", new File("newimage.png"));
When running java you may get errors about heap space. Run from the command line as follows or edit your eclipse run configuration to include the argument:
// for 2gb java -Xmx2g ... // for 4gb java -Xmx4g ...
Download images:
Here are some calculated interestingness values:
p1010678.jpg, 0.16700066933931207 p1010679.jpg, 0.17559584884369817 p1010680.jpg, 0.14617362006676016 p1010681.jpg, 0.10359834711788407 p1010682.jpg, 0.1746764655425997 p1010683.jpg, 0.1683047491764929 p1010684.jpg, 0.16691526326326583 p1010685.jpg, 0.170844477661928 p1010686.jpg, 0.1837666654504827 p1010687.jpg, 0.1524582105220499 p1010688.jpg, 0.17672164124695722 p1010689.jpg, 0.17306680484213788 p1010690.jpg, 0.15932314129512437 p1010691.jpg, 0.16294507981806428 p1010692.jpg, 0.14207289685446112 p1010693.jpg, 0.17237432249767481 p1010694.jpg, 0.16419763574670776 p1010695.jpg, 0.18653306003349335 p1010696.jpg, 0.16723899551292332 p1010697.jpg, 0.1768260143794811 p1010698.jpg, 0.16788710450825517 p1010699.jpg, 0.15926748937077506 p1010700.jpg, 0.17105565282446394 p1010701.jpg, 0.16821211350780724 p1010702.jpg, 0.19201612339948176 p1010703.jpg, 0.1655359170156845 p1010704.jpg, 0.15511423790348156 p1010705.jpg, 0.1944620896080953 p1010706.jpg, 0.1506185911113288 p1010707.jpg, 0.124733437133969 p1010708.jpg, 0.21465251973819932 p1010709.jpg, 0.19221852131758854 p1010710.jpg, 0.23195608737316548 p1010711.jpg, 0.2240089710435832 p1010712.jpg, 0.1763883037583578 p1010713.jpg, 0.170161745107675 p1010714.jpg, 0.14615287586255643 p1010715.jpg, 0.23177632776033075 p1010716.jpg, 0.16113876646916792 p1010717.jpg, 0.17984604967601764 p1010718.jpg, 0.12027983339205373 p1010719.jpg, 0.17579939040374865 p1010720.jpg, 0.18668858759208173 p1010721.jpg, 0.17111686638259532 p1010722.jpg, 0.15039660511325437 p1010723.jpg, 0.17278198232809067 p1010724.jpg, 0.10703907540817659 p1010725.jpg, 0.17499899213337444 p1010726.jpg, 0.18185884674874586 p1010727.jpg, 0.1667638679180004 p1010728.jpg, 0.16739450735341405 p1010729.jpg, 0.17482380150084742 p1010730.jpg, 0.1679279248928195 p1010731.jpg, 0.1702262017398518 p1010732.jpg, 0.1689230862340047 p1010733.jpg, 0.1706925715235902 p1010734.jpg, 0.17644484193821725 p1010735.jpg, 0.1649210056609205
Download the code needed: project1
To Deliver:
On the UNIX system in a folder called ‘project1’ put the following files (or more):
ComparableBufferedImage.java, Gallery.java, Run.java, memo.txt
These files can also be in an ‘src’ folder so that you can use the folder as an eclipse project.
Grading (total 25 points):
5 points: Implement Iterable by writing an Iterator object
5 points: Implement Comparable that called the interestingness method
5 points: Correctly implement the interestingness method
5 points: Implement a sorting algorithm for the iterator (don’t use Arrays.sort)
5 points: memo.txt and how easy the assignment is to grade