Dealing with internet restricted compute nodes in a cluster
There are some clusters, such as Beluga in the Compute Canada/Calcul Québec system of computers, which restrict access to the internet on compute nodes. One […]
There are some clusters, such as Beluga in the Compute Canada/Calcul Québec system of computers, which restrict access to the internet on compute nodes. One […]
Here is a collection of advice from different people about how to do good research and write good papers. From Simon Peyton Jones In his […]
In some situations direct access to a printer is restricted (when JetDirect access to port 9100 is blocked). Typically the goal is that everyone prints […]
To Code Languages: Python and R Frameworks: PyTorch Older Frameworks: Theano and Lasagne Example code: NeuralNetwork-Examples Tutorials https://aldro61.github.io/microbiome-summer-school-2017/ To Watch Stanford CS229 – Machine Learning – […]
Jupyter notebook [jupyter.org] is an interactive shell in a web browser that can display output, graphics, and tables inline to make research and development faster, […]
Convolutional Neural Networks can be visualized as computation graphs with input nodes where the computation starts and output nodes where the result can be read. […]
To study you should try challenges yourself as well as read writeups about how people approached solving these types of problems.
Many researchers working on attribute subset selection focus on finding the most discriminating subset suboptimal solution using various methods such as greedy search, best first, […]
Sometimes we want to SSH to machines that are behind restrictive firewalls or just because the IP keeps changing. Here I discuss a way to […]
This will be a latex reference page. For now I’ll just post links to great references: Watch a video about how to get going with […]
2025 Joseph Paul Cohen