So how does android talk directly to glass?
$ blucat devices #Searching for devices +,F88FCA255988, "Joseph Glass's Glass", Trusted:false, Encrypted:false
$ blucat services #Listing all services +,F88FCA255988, "Joseph Glass's Glass", Trusted:false, Encrypted:false -,"Glass Identity", "", btspp://F88FCA255988:14 -,"Handsfree", "", btspp://F88FCA255988:13
Looking at the apk file GlassBluetooth.apk shows this line:
public void onCreate() { logger.i("Starting Glass bluetooth service.", new Object[0]); this.tasks.put(new ConnectivityLogger(this), Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.tasks.put(new Tethering(this), Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.tasks.put(new GlassIdentityProfile(this), Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.tasks.put(new PairingPolicy(this), Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.tasks.put(new HandsFreeProfile(this), Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.companion = new CompanionSocketServer(this); this.tasks.put(this.companion, Boolean.valueOf(false)); }
This points in interesting directions. The IdentityProfile starts a service that we are interested in:
public void onBluetoothAdapterEnabled() { try { this.listenSocket = HiddenBluetoothAdapter.listenUsingInsecureRfcommOn(14);
So this was leading me in circles so I started looking at how SMS messages work and found this line in CompanionSmsManager:
TimelineNano.TimelineItem localTimelineItem = CompanionUtils.getCompanionSmsTimelineItem(localContext, str1, str2, str3, l1, bool3, bool2); if (!this.forwarder.forward(localTimelineItem)) break label430; ... localFormattingLogger2.d("Successfully forwarded notification id=%s with timestamp =%s to Glass.", arrayOfObject2);
Where it’s defined as CompanionSmsManager.SmsTimelineForwarder forwarder;
Then I found CompanionMessagingUtil
And then googling that found that someone already did this:
I put my test app here but it doesn’t work yet: